Monday, April 27, 2020

Check it out Career Seekers Mastermind Extravaganza - Hallie Crawford

Check it out Career Seekers Mastermind Extravaganza At the end of my Career Seekers classes, participants often ask me if there is another class. They want to know what’s next where do they go now? Heres the answer for everyone who wants to participate! On March 27th and 28th, I will be holding a Career Seekers Mastermind Event in which you will find answers to your burning questions, such as: How do I find out what the ideal job is for me? I feel like I’m going in circles in a job I dislike; how do I get unstuck? How do I discover what I’m passionate about? How can I find my direction? I have an idea of what I want to do; what should I do next? If you feel like you’re out there alone, spinning around, and are not sure what to do about your career path â€" this event is for you! It’s going to be a FUN class conducted via a private listserv where you’ll have the opportunity to learn not only from me, but also from your career-seeking peers. Plus you’ll be able to get individualized answers to your specific questions. Get all the details here for the Career Seekers Mastermind Extravaganza. Career Counselor

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